Daily Life/achievement

Plan - 2024년 6월

hiheybye 2024. 6. 3. 12:16

To Do

To Enderver

  • FPS microgame 코드 파헤치기
  • Jc-Programmer-Project 스크립트 파헤치기
  • Creativecore 주요점  파헤치기
    • creativecore-shaders-2022.3LTS Water shader graph 파헤치기
    • CreativeCore_VFX_2022.3LTS  VFX graph 파헤치기
    • creativecore-audio-2022.3LTS 스크립트 파헤치기
    • creativecore-camera 스크립트 파헤치기
    • Probuilder 기능 파헤치기
  • game-programming-patterns-demo (Design Pattern 예제코드) 파헤치기
    • game-programming-patterns-demo 코드
    • unity-pattern-combo-main (Command pattern 응용)
  • The Weird Sisters project(Personal Project)
    • PreParation : 구상 / 디테일 / 일정 계획
    • Imprement : 구현


Do List

  C start end total T -
Unity / Basic Design Patterns C 20240523        
FPS microgame 코드 파헤치기 C 20240524        
The Weird Sisters project(Personal Project) - PreParation C 20240528        



2024.05.23 - [Study/Unity learn] - Unity / Basic Design Patterns


Unity / Basic Design Patterns

Design PatternsContents더보기 Introducing design patternThe SOLID principlesSingle-responsibbility principle | Open-closed principle | Liskov segregation principle | Interface segregation principle | Dependency inversion principle | Interface vs abstra


2024.05.24 - [Endeavor/Unity Stuff] - Unity - FPS microgame code 분석


Unity - FPS microgame code 분석

Goals - Unity / FPS microgame code를 분석한다FPS microgame / Assets / FPS / Scripts / AI / DetectionModule.cs EnemyController.cs  DetectionModule.cs EnemyMobile.cs  EnemyTurret.cs FollowPlayer.cs  NavigationModule.cs PatrolPath.cs Editor /



2024.04.26 - [Project/Project_"The Weird Sisters"] - Project - "The Weird Sisters" PreParation




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